Cunina wants to leave a lasting impression in the places where they are active. The goal of our projects is to help the local community become independent and self-reliant. As a partner, you are not just a sponsor but the driving force behind the realization of the project.

Why has Cunina started this project?

In 1995, Father Jan Hoet established a student house, situated in Port-au-Prince, for youngsters that go to secondary school, college or university in Marmont, Mombin Crochu and Saltader (Central Plateau). Unfortunately, the house was totally destroyed by the earthquake in 2010.

Cunina received a lot of support and was able to buy a new student house in February 2010. The Cunina-Mamosa Student House has five large rooms and bathrooms, a kitchen, a salon and a large inner courtyard. Father Jan Hoet built extra rooms behind the house. The student house is a ray of hope in the lives of the 34 students that live there.

All the students that live here are Cunina godchildren.

We work together with the local community and use local materials to support the local economy, create jobs and provide even more children with education.

Fact sheet of the Cunina-Mamosa Student House

Start of the project: 2010

Money already spent: €135,704

Number of students that live in the student house: 24

Result in June 2016:

  • Acquisition of the Cunina-Mamosa Student House
  • 10 godchildren were advised by their school to buy a laptop. A Cunina child sponsorship does not cover this cost, so Cunina decided to pay for the laptops.

This project has been completed.

Support our projects in Haiti

Deposit your contribution, big or small, into IBAN: BE29 2300 3660 2564 with BIC: GEBA BE BB and put ‘Donation Haiti’ as the message.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our project manager Sophie ( or 014/58 01 01)

I would like to ask a question about Haiti

Why does Cunina operate in Haiti?

Most Haitian schools are in bad condition. Classrooms, which are mostly too small, are stacked with students. Different age groups have to share the same classroom and this results in noise pollution and inappropriate behavior. Most of the children do not have books, writing materials or a school bag. The only thing they have is a school uniform, which they often get from their brother(s) or sister(s).

Cunina operates in Port-au-Prince, Mombin Crochu and La Victoire. 

Cunina projects in Haiti

Cunina operates in a lot of places in Haiti. After the earthquake in 2010, we started focusing more on projects in the inland. Here you can read more about the other projects that we have realized in Haiti.