Building a school on top of the world, together with the People of Tomorrow!

Tomorrowland started a fundraiser for Cunina through the Love Tomorrow Foundation. We used the collected money to build the Love Tomorrow Music & Arts School by Cunina in Sekha, a Nepalese village.

This music and arts school will take on an important role in the Sekha school community. Next to the Cunina kindergarten, elementary and secondary school it will enrich the lives of the mountain children with music, arts and culture. A staple in the development of independent and creative minds.

Help us to make this budding seed gain wings and fly!

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Make the world of one child a musical, magical place

The Love Tomorrow Music & Arts School by Cunina is now a reality, but to make the magic last and take its roots in the vast Himalayan mountains we hope you will push us even further.

  • Contribute €10 and help buy a guitar stand.
  • Contribute €15 and make a Sarangi, a Nepalese string instrument, possible.
  • Contribute €25 and you'll finance a Madal, the Nepalese National Instrument.
  • … or give freely!

All contributions will 100% be spent on the further development and ongoing use of the Love Tomorrow Music & Arts School by Cunina.

Cunina strives to give underprivileged children access to education

A small effort, lasting a whole school career, has the biggest impact.

Via Cunina you can really mean something in the life of an underprivileged child in the South and for the future of a whole community. If a child can finish school, thanks to your contribution, it will take its future in its own hands. And in turn bring a spark to the community it lives in.

And, granted, such a thing takes time: namely school time. But it gives you the chance to be really involved. With your unique godchild. To have a tangible impact. Not for just one week or one month. But for one life.



Cunina helps underprivileged children go to school through personal sponsorships.



Cunina, a transparent organisation

Cunina has an open financial policy and publicly shows all of their financial information. 

0% Federal government subsidie

8,45% Operating costs

€ 0 Publicity

Figures financial year 2017