“Lhakpa Doma Lama is the president of the NGO Cunina Nepal and manages the list of child sponsorships in Kathmandu.”

How did you get in touch with Cunina?

I got in touch with Cunina through my husband Pasang Sherpa. He has been working with Cunina since they started operating in Nepal.

Why did you decide to become a volunteer for Cunina?

“You’re happy when you help others become happy” is something I truly believe in.

What are your tasks and responsibilities?

I am the president of Cunina Nepal.

Why is Cunina so important in your community?

Cunina aims to create a better future for the next generation.

Becoming a Cunina godparent is a long-term commitment. You play an important role in the life of your godchild and you see them become a young adult with opportunities.